
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

3-2-1 Contact Theme Song

Okay -- in continuing with my childhood reminiscing, here's another one to help us celebrate 3/21, and perfect day for countdowns.

3-2-1 Contact was a Children's Television Workshop show that ran in the 1980's -- just in time for this kid to enjoy it. Though, I have to be honest -- it wasn't exactly my favorite show. It was one of those I'd watch if it happened to be on. They did show some cool things. It was the first time I saw a demo of a personal computer. I think it was a color Apple II-E computer. 

But on the most part, I just loved the intro music. And now, you get to, too.

1 comment:

  1. Now how did I miss that while I was growing up? Pretty cool!
