
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Spotlight: Hungarian Rhapsody #6

When I first started this blog, I kept up with a Video of the Week ... that is until I entered my year of research into starting my publishing company. At first, they became "Spotlights" to get away from the "of the Week" nature, and then they disappeared.

So, let's try this again. I won't promise "weekly," but we'll see how this goes. 

Today, I present a breath of fresh air. There are a ton of good piano videos out there, but every now and then I come across a spectacular performance, and this is one of them...

Martha Argerich plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6. If you're looking for technical perfection, she makes plenty of blunders -- but I bet most of you won't hear any of them. Despite these little misfingers, and unlike most piano performances I see, Martha actually plays this piece. This is something that happens when you go beyond practicing and technical perfection, and you deliver the actual music -- the real reason behind even touching a piano.

Also, I love the #1 liked comment to this video by bledredwine: "If Martha ever got into a fight, she could just play a C major octave scale on someone's face and they'd die."

So, here it is ... enjoy ...